

Rising Star: Lady Shakespeare Set to Shine in the Rap Scene

With a moniker as evocative as Lady Shakespeare, expectations are naturally high, but this burgeoning rapper has swiftly proven she’s...

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12 independent hip hop artists you should know

Discover 12 independent hip hop artists you should know from our blog '12 independent hip hop artists you should know'.

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Business and FinanceFeaturesIndependenceMusicNofavors

The Essential Link Between Marketing, Ticket Sales, and Fanbase Growth for Independent Hip Hop Artists

In the music industry, particularly in the vibrant world of hip hop, carving out a niche as an independent artist can be as thrilling as it...

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How Artist Branding Shapes the Independent Hip-Hop Culture

Discover the impact of artist branding on independent hip-hop culture in our blog 'How Artist Branding Shapes the Independent Hip-Hop...

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Business and FinanceIndependenceMusic

A Guide to Starting an Independent Hip Hop Record Label

Embark on your journey into the hip-hop scene with key insights on starting independent record labels in our guide 'A Beginner’s Guide to...

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EventsFeaturesIndependenceMusicTodays Hip Hop News

Flight Night Music Festival Summer 2024 Lineup Announced With Kota the Friend Headlining

This summer, the Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center (HMAC) will pulsate with the rhythms of the Flight Night Music Festival, slated for...

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Maximizing Your Reach: The Importance of Artist Branding in the Digital Age for Independent Hip-Hop Artists

Boost your career with strong artist branding insights from 'Maximizing Your Reach: The Importance of Artist Branding in the Digital Age...

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Three Merch Statistics and What They Mean for Indie Artists

As an independent hip-hop artist, connecting with your fans goes beyond creating great music. Music merch presents a golden opportunity to...

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FeaturesIndependenceTodays Hip Hop News

Independent Hip Hop Artists Realizing Long Term Success

by Anthony P. for The dynamics between hip hop artists and record labels involve a variety of factors, including...

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Noname Sundial
Album ReviewFeaturesIndependencePioneerThedrop

Noname: ‘Sundial’ Album Review

Noname’s latest opus, Sundial, marks a significant juncture in her evolving musical trajectory. Revered for her preceding...

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