5 Things YouÔÇÖll Love About 505 GamesÔÇÖ New ÔÇ£ABZUÔÇØ Video Game [Video]

[With the highly-anticipated ABZU video game finally out this week on the Playstation 4 platform, we’ve put together our Top 5 things you’ll love about the must-own title as you head into the weekend.]

1. The Musical Score

There’s no denying how important music is in life. SOHH.com alone is based on how much influence hip-hop has on everyday life. The same can be said about the new ABZU title. This is much more than an underground, literally, journey through the sea. The way music plays into the overall experience and fun of going into depths you never thought imaginable is present in every facet of this title.

2. Who Are You?

It seems only right with “Jason Bourne” in theaters this month that ABZU flourishes in the mystery behind who you control. Often when you play franchise titles or even indie releases, you have some backstory or an idea of what your character is all about. That’s not the case here. The mysterious protagonist’s true identity and story unfolds the more you explore.

3. It’s Finally Here

Unlike a certain blockbuster film currently in theaters which is rumored to have been put together in a rushed manner, ABZU is the incredible creation of a slow-churned and preciously put together mysterious journey. In other words? Real time and effort went into this. Most times games are released and sometimes are either too easy or feel extremely clich├® – that’s not the case here. Throughout the first few minutes of gameplay you immediately realize this title is something you’ve never experienced before. You may try to compare it to past games like the Tomb Raider and Uncharted franchise – but it really stands by itself.

4. The Journey Is Breathtaking

It’s very easy to get caught up into the big companies like EA Sports and Rockstar Games with their marketing bucks and well-respected franchises, but every now and again – there’s an independent title which comes out of nowhere and blows people away. This happens in Hollywood and sometimes in the video game world. ABZU does not rely on you following a method or certain pattern to progress, but really wants you to explore and see the mysteries of the underworld. The above videos do not do the game enough justice with how embraced you’ll become once you dive into this new title.

5. Flip The Violence

There’s too many great things to say about ABZU but if you really have to narrow in on one? It’s family-friendly. Now don’t crunch your face or think that you have to whip out Call of Duty or your other Mature games. Remember before Daredevil and Deadpool stepped into the scene, most Marvel projects were super PG-13-based. The same is true here with ABZU. There’s no shoot ’em urges or need to unload onto Aquaman, but instead, a visually stunning journey awaits you and whoever wants some too – your girlfriend, kids or even the older family members. While the fun really rests in having the controller in your hand, just as much excitement comes from sitting back and watching the mysteries unravel on your screen when someone else is playing. Oh – did we mention it’s only $19.99 too?

For more info and to buy your copy, just click here!

The post 5 Things You’ll Love About 505 Games’ New “ABZU” Video Game [Video] appeared first on For The Best In Hip-Hop News – SOHH.com.

5 Things YouÔÇÖll Love About 505 GamesÔÇÖ New ÔÇ£ABZUÔÇØ Video Game [Video] : SOHH

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