Waka Flocka Flame Goes Hard And Heavy Metal On ÔÇÿGet BusyÔÇÖ With Pretty Lights

“Pretty Flame, Flocka Lights, I’m high as f**k, but afraid of heights…how ironic”

These days, it’s extremely hard to make money as an artist by staying complacent. That’s why Waka Flocka Flame has continued to evolve as an MC since the day he┬áhit the scene. After emerging as one of the founders of turn up trap music and then turning to EDM as a regular revenue source in recent years, the occasional Brick Squad Mafia member now appears to be dabbling even further on his new single “Get Busy.”

Built with┬áhigh energy in mind, the Pretty-Lights-produced track has a heavy metal feel┬áthat blends a sinister piano loop with ferocious┬águitars, high impact┬ádrums, and what sounds like the intro riff to “Boyz In The Hood.”

If that’s not enough to earn your ears, the best part of the track is that Waka Flocka seems to be purposely putting his pen to full strength, offering way more than enthusiasm and some of his most polished bars to date. ┬áMost audiences should appreciate the oomph of this record, even those who don’t really like rap and lean more towards hard rock.

Is a full Waka Flocka and Pretty Lights collab in the works?┬áLet’s hope so.

Waka Flocka Flame Goes Hard And Heavy Metal On ÔÇÿGet BusyÔÇÖ With Pretty Lights : UPROXX

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