Woman Crush Wednesday ÔÇô Raqual Rose: ÔÇ£John Legend Fan But Currently On A Trap Music KickÔÇØ

[With Hump Day here, SOHH correspondent Marcus ÔÇ£QuestÔÇØ Sims helps get you through your mid-week grind with his ÔÇ£Woman Crush WednesdayÔÇØ selection. TodayÔÇÖs pick: Raqual Rose]

Today we bring you Raqual Rose, the Connecticut native now calls sunny South Florida home:

This 20-something loves visiting Mexico for vacations, youÔÇÖll probably find her on the nude beach there because she is #TeamNoTanLines:

Fellas, we know youÔÇÖre ready to slide in those DMs and shoot your shot, so hereÔÇÖs some other intel on her to help you not look corny:

-Raqual’s more than just a pretty face, she has a bachelors in Biology and her MasterÔÇÖs in business. SheÔÇÖs also a licensed hairdresser.

She is single so if youÔÇÖre planning a date sheÔÇÖs cool with hitting the bowling alley and ordering a round of black label, but sheÔÇÖs not turning down a fancy restaurant either.

SheÔÇÖs a John legend fan but currently sheÔÇÖs on a trap music kick so tickets to a Designer concert would be a fun evening:

If she could be any woman in history it would be Cleopatra because: ÔÇ£She was a temptress, who used sexuality not sex to gain power of the throne. Many people believed she was this massive whore while she was celebrate for more than half her adult life. People in general make judgements upon any one of us for the way they view something you do. However, the irony is that they know nothing about you, yours views, or why you chose this over that. Cleopatra is my power women. How could you not respect someone who made it to the throne and did not have to f*ck her way to the top?”

Be sure to follow her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/p/87boGiBUDZ/?taken-by=raqualrose

The post Woman Crush Wednesday – Raqual Rose: “John Legend Fan But Currently On A Trap Music Kick” appeared first on For The Best In Hip-Hop News – SOHH.com.

Woman Crush Wednesday ÔÇô Raqual Rose: ÔÇ£John Legend Fan But Currently On A Trap Music KickÔÇØ : SOHH

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