You Got Knocked The George Zimmerman Threatened & Punched Over Trayvon Martin

Florida man George Zimmerman reportedly called 911 last weekend after being attacked for talking about his now-infamous killing of Trayvon Martin.

According to reports, the attack went down at a Florida restaurant called Gators Riverside.

Zimmerman says he was explaining to people at his table that he’d shot Trayvon in self-defense. He says a man who overheard walked up to his table and asked, “You’re bragging about that?” Zimmerman claims the man threatened to kill him and punched him in the face. But there are witnesses reportedly telling a different story — that Zimmerman introduced himself to someone by saying, “My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” (TMZ)

In May, Zimmerman scolded Trayvon Martin’s parents for how they raised him.

“They didnÔÇÖt raise their son right. He attacked a complete stranger and attempted to kill him,” Zimmerman said of Martin. “Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin did everything they could to capitalize on her sonÔÇÖs death,” he said. “She was never a mother figure to him. Tracy Martin couldnÔÇÖt have cared less about their son. He treated him like a dog without a leash.” (The Daily Beast)

Earlier this year, rapper T.I. blasted Zimmerman for trying to profit off the weapon he used to kill Martin.

A few months ago, rap star Kendrick Lamar fell victim to a satirical story.

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You Got Knocked The George Zimmerman Threatened & Punched Over Trayvon Martin : SOHH

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