Man-u-iLLÔÇÖs ÔÇ£Love MeÔÇØ [Music Video]

There is diamond in the dirt out in Connecticut right now that someone really NEEDS to discover, and his name: Man-u-iLL.┬áLike most of you I don’t take much interest in new, Up and Coming, Independent┬áArtists these days┬ábecause, let’s be┬áhonest, most just suck and sound the same, from concepts to flows… but once in┬áawhile if you’re┬álucky enough you to┬ápay it any mind, you could stumble onto something really special.

Man-u-ill says, “When I say special, lets be clear… I’m talking lyrical clarity,┬áthought provoking subject matter, strong delivery, and dope visuals to match.” Love Me is the single off his 2nd EP of 2016 ┬á“In The Meantime”┬áwhich is just as dope but much different from his 1st Bandana Manny┬áwhich was released back in January.┬á This is GREAT music that deserves to be heard.

ENJOY. Follow on social @ManuiLL

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Man-u-iLLÔÇÖs ÔÇ£Love MeÔÇØ [Music Video] : SOHH

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