Weekend Woman Warrior – Gorgeous: “Dream Threesome Would Be Drake & Rihanna”

[With SOHH many beautiful women in the world, WCW just isn’t enough. SOHH correspondent Marcus “Quest” Sims helps you enjoy the next 48 hours with his “Weekend Woman Warrior” selection. This weekend’s pick: Gorgeous]

This weekend’s WWW’s name really fits her – “Gorgeous”:

This 20-something left cozy New Castle, Pennsylvania to soak up the sun in La La Land:

Her perfect day is blasting her favorite artist, Drake, while driving to her favorite restaurant Maestros:

She’s looking to expand her travel stories, her favorite place to vacation so far is Virgnia Beach but she’s really planning on hitting a nude beach soon so she can join #TeamNoTanlines Her dream threesome would be Drake and Rihanna.

She’s an avid dog lover who hates cigarette smoke (so if you love Newports keep it moving):

If she could be any woman in the world she said, “There are so many powerful women, I think I would choose from the 20th century. I would choose Oprah Winfrey. She has just made such an impact in the TV world which has made an impact on people all over the world. She has also helped pave the way for both African American men and women with her many impactful statements.”

“I am a woman in process. I’m just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull.” – Oprah Winfery

To keep up with Gorgeous follow her at https://www.instagram.com/shesgorgeousla/

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Weekend Woman Warrior – Gorgeous: “Dream Threesome Would Be Drake & Rihanna” : SOHH

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