OVO Sound leader Drake has reportedly responded to a new rumor about self-proclaimed rap god Eminem gearing up to release a diss song aimed at him.
According to Hot 97 radio personality Ebro Darden, Drizzy is ready to engage in a battle with Slim Shady if any verbal jabs are thrown his way.
ÔÇ£I told Drake that the rumor was that Eminem was gonna gear up to come after him. He laughed. He was like, ÔÇÿThatÔÇÖs not gonna happen. HeÔÇÖd never do that and if he did, IÔÇÖve got something for him too.ÔÇÖÔÇØ (Hot 97)
I think a young MC like Drake has too much respect for Em to ever . You guys are buggin!
ÔÇö El Viejo Ebro (@oldmanebro) August 3, 2016
Drake is a respectful dude Stahhhp
ÔÇö El Viejo Ebro (@oldmanebro) August 3, 2016
Last year, Eminem coincidentally said hip-hop needed Drake.
ÔÇ£I try to stay up on everything thatÔÇÖs out. I love [Lil] Wayne, Drake, Big Sean, Schoolboy Q. I love Kendrick [Lamar]. I just try to pay attention to whatÔÇÖs out. Wayne puts out a new song, and my ears perk up. There are certain artists that make me do that just because of the caliber that they rhyme at ÔÇö itÔÇÖs like candy to me. Kendrick, the way he puts albums together ÔÇö front to back, theyÔÇÖre like pieces of art. But hip-hop needs Drake, too. Hip-hop needs Big Sean. I feel like hip-hop is in a good place right now. ThereÔÇÖs this balance of things going on, and it feels like some of the best rappers are the most successful. Sometimes thatÔÇÖs not the case.ÔÇØ (New York Times)
A few years ago, Drake talked about fansÔÇÖ devotion to Em.
ÔÇ£I think itÔÇÖs so rare that an artist comes along in our generation that has a loyal following no matter what ÔÇö I think Eminem has it,ÔÇØ Drake revealed in an interview. ÔÇ£I think Jay-Z has it, although heÔÇÖs never faltered enough to test it. Jay is almost like the perfect guy. Media-wise, thereÔÇÖs never been a true test of your fans staying with you. Eminem has had gone through a couple of ups and downs and his fans were with him no matter what. I think Wayne is that guy. I know Wayne is the next guy, after the two I just named, that has that unconditional, no matter what. You get caught with this and you go to jail. You make little life errors that people should never find out about, but because weÔÇÖre in the public eye, everyone knows everything. Wayne has those fans.ÔÇØ (MTV)
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DrakeÔÇÖs Prepared To Battle Eminem, New Diss Song On Deck [Video] : SOHH
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