Brooklyn Man Claims To Have Caught All 142 Pok├®mon in ÔÇÿPok├®mon GoÔÇÖ

Pok├®mon Go-mania has taken the US by storm with hundreds of thousands trying to “catch ’em all”. There have been many crazy stories, dead bodies, muggings, catching Pok├®mon during childbirth, but one man avoided real-world dangers and distractions, and reportedly caught ’em all.

28-year-old Nick Johnson of Brooklyn, ┬áseems to be the first reported user to have caught all 142 Pok├®mon, available in the U.S. region. ┬áThe augmented-reality game which only just released on July 6, 2016 requires users to turn the world into a real-world map, and physically walk around their neighborhood and beyond to catch Pok├®mon on their smartphone. In less than a month, Johnson reported on Reddit┬áthat he accomplished this harrowing feat.

Though in the original Pok├®mon lore, there were 151 of the pocket monsters, there are only 142 of them available in the United States, with three┬ámore exclusive to Asia, Australia, Europe:┬áFarfetchÔÇÖd, Kangaskhan, and Mr. Mime respectively and six others completely unavailable currently:┬áArticuno, Ditto, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, and Zapdos.

Per BuzzFeed:

And in that time, he got to level 31, caught 4,629 Pok├®mon (609 of which were Pidgeys, lol), hatched 303 eggs, walked a grand total of 153 kilometers (about 95 miles), and lost a whopping 10 pounds ÔÇö and yes, he has a job.

ÔÇ£I work 50 hour weeks, sometimes more,ÔÇØ Johnson, who works at a tech company called┬áApplico, wrote. ÔÇ£So I do that during the week, and then after that, I would go out at about 6:00 PM and stay out basically until I had to go home and pass out.ÔÇØ

He reportedly caught them all in NYC, with the exception of Dratini and Porygon which he took a train to catch┬áin Jersey City.┬áÔÇ£A Porygon popped on the radar there, and I had no idea where it was,ÔÇØ he said. ÔÇ£So, I ordered an Uber, hopped in, and had the guy drive me around until I found it,” he told BuzzFeed.

It’s safe to say Nick Johnson is the very best, like no one ever was..

Brooklyn Man Claims To Have Caught All 142 Pok├®mon in ÔÇÿPok├®mon GoÔÇÖ : The Source

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