Today’s “street” guys┬álack scruples, a moral compass or even human decency. A Brooklyn father was shot and killed after retrieving the pricey cap some local toughs had stolen from his son.┬á
On Saturday (July 30), Gerald Sealey was reportedly playing basketball outside Public School 6 in Flatbush when three teens snatched the expensive Just Don Oakland Raiders cap he was wearing from his head. The teens also put hands on him and attempted to steal his cell phone.
Flash forward to Wednesday (Aug. 3), and the 17-year-old Sealey saw one of the goons rocking his $400 or so cap. Unfortunately the next chain of events doomed his father.
Reports the New York Daily News:
Sealey called his father, Gerald Cummings, 38, who came to the basketball court and snatched the hat off the 16-year-old bullyÔÇÖs head, sources said. The humiliated crook followed Cummings and his son off the court, trying to take the cap back when one of his friends pulled a gun from his backpack and started blasting, sources said.
Cummings was fatally shot in the head in front of his son, police said.
ÔÇ£He did what any father would do and thatÔÇÖs stand up for his children,ÔÇØ said Earl Saunders, 34, CummingsÔÇÖ longtime friend and co-worker at a blood testing lab. ÔÇ£All he did was confront the kids that beat up his son ÔÇö and lost his life in the process of defending his child.ÔÇØ
Police reportedly have the name of the thief and the shooter, but they are not yet in custody.
F*ck the wrongly applied “no snitching” code, these guys belong behind bars.
Prayers up to Gerald Cummings’ family.
Photo: family photo
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Brooklyn Man Shot & Killed After Getting SonÔÇÖs Just Don Cap Back From Bully : Hip Hop Wired
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