Frank Nitt drops the┬ámost solid & important underground Hip Hop album for the year of┬á2016. ┬á“Asphalt Runways” embraces┬áeverything that “Underground Hip Hop ” is about. ┬áFrom the intro to the outro, Frank Nitt delivers an impressive 15 track project catering to all “real” fans. ┬áI’m sure you notice the stamp by Delicious Vinyl Records which honestly, in my opinion, are one of the most respected and known labels in the underground community. ┬áThis album has 6 super dope tracks featuring Illa J (J Dilla’s little brother), Bishop Lamont and being a huge underground Hip Hop head myself, my favorite track is “Scratch For My Dogz” features the legendary LA based DJ/Producer DJ Rhettmatic and┬áHip Hop veteran Guilty Simpson.
When it comes to the┬ánew┬ágeneration of fans┬áthat are not into the culture of underground Hip Hop, this project has the power to get a kid into this very important culture of ours. ┬áThe power of influence is under appreciated to say the least. ┬áWhen I think of Frank Nitt, right off the bat I am reminded of his legendary group┬á“Frank n Dank” and his close ties to J Dilla who to me is the most powerful and influential producer all ALL TIME. ┬áThis is why we consider this album extremely important, it’s for the kids plain and simple. ┬áAllow new fans to get introduced to Frank Nitt and his important contribution to quality underground Hip Hop.
Tracks worthy to mention are “Social Butterfly”, “Hustler” Ft Illa J & “On This Earth” Ft. Bishop Lamont. ┬áThese tracks are instant classics in our book. ┬áThe production on this whole project is flawless, beats that bleed the underground Hip Hop sound that we all love. ┬áWe are proud to say that real Hip Hop is still alive and Frank Nitt is on the front lines holding down the underground culture. ┬áMake sure to peep this album today on SPOTIFY and support real music!
Frank Nitt ÔÇô ÔÇ£Asphalt RunwaysÔÇØ (Review) : Underground Hip Hop Blog
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