Kid Cudi Ordered By Judge To Stay Away From Baby Mama

According to a judge, Kid Cudi, aka the most influential artist of the past 10 year, per Kanye West, has some serious stalker tendencies. The former G.O.O.D. Music rapper has been ordered to stay away from his baby mama. 

According to The Jasmine Brand, Cudi’s baby mama, Jacqueline Munyasya, told authorities that he texted her 168 times in the span of four days.

After an initial custody battle, the mother was granted full custody of their daughter, Vada Mescudi, in 2012, while Cudi was ordered to pay child support. At the time she noted drug and alcohol abuse and sporadic payments while seeking primary custody, which she was granted.

In the latest struggle, the judge granted Jacqueline an order of protection against Cudi, after she cited many abusive messages that will be in effect for an entire year.

Peep the full story over at The Jasmine Brand. It’s ugly.


The post Kid Cudi Ordered By Judge To Stay Away From Baby Mama appeared first on Hip-Hop Wired.

Kid Cudi Ordered By Judge To Stay Away From Baby Mama : Hip Hop Wired

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