Presumptive Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein revealed Monday [August 3]┬áthat she’d selected Ajamu Baraka┬áas her running mate for this yearÔÇÖs election.┬áÔÇ£Ajamu Baraka is a powerful, eloquent spokesperson for the transformative, radical agenda whose time has come,ÔÇØ Stein said in a public statement. ÔÇ£An agenda of economic, social, racial, gender, climate, indigenous and immigrant justice.ÔÇØ
Baraka,┬áa human rights activist, served┬áon boards for Amnesty International, coordinated the Black Left Unity NetworkÔÇÖs Committee on International Affairs, and was the executive director of the U.S. Human Rights Network. For the past six years the vice presidential hopeful has also maintained┬áa personal blog where heÔÇÖs written on everything from┬árace, international affairs, and current events.┬áWith the announcement┬áFusion┬áscoured the blog for some of his opinions.
See how he feels about these people:
ÔÇ£I cannot for the life of me understand how Beyonc├®ÔÇÖs commodified caricature of Black opposition was in any way progressive,ÔÇØ Baraka said. ÔÇ£I didnÔÇÖt see opposition; I saw the imagery and symbols of authentic Black radicalism grotesquely transformed into a de-politicized spectacle by gyrating, light-skinned booty-short-clad sisters.ÔÇØ
Muhammad Ali, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton:
ÔÇ£With the passing of Muhammad Ali, we are witnessing a phenomenon similar to what we saw with Dr. King when the family allowed the state to define the meaning of Dr. KingsÔÇÖ activism and the movement that created him,ÔÇØ wrote Baraka. “The announcement that Bill Clinton, the rapist and petty opportunist politician, had been chosen to deliver the eulogy at AliÔÇÖs funeral suggests that his family is heading down that same path.”
ÔÇ£Unlike Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch and the other members of the black petit-bourgeoisie who have become the living embodiments of the partial success of the stateÔÇÖs attempt to colonize the consciousness of Africans/Black people,ÔÇØ Baraka argues. ÔÇ£The life of Muhammad Ali and the Black liberation movement that he was a part of in his early years and our movementÔÇÖs moral positions on state violence in the form of the death penalty stands as counter-narratives to those attempts by the state to ÔÇÿAmericanizeÔÇÖ the Africans in the territory called the U.S.ÔÇØ
Bernie Sanders’ campaign and his supporters:
“As much as the ÔÇÿSandernistas ÔÇÖ attempt to disarticulate Sanders ÔÇÿprogressiveÔÇÖ domestic policies from his documented support for empire,” Baraka said. ÔÇ£It should be obvious that his campaign is an ideological prop ÔÇô albeit from a center/left position ÔÇô of the logic and interests of the capitalist-imperialist settler state.”
HereÔÇÖs What The Green PartyÔÇÖs VP Candidate Thinks Of Beyonc├®, Barack Obama, and Bernie Sanders : The Source
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