As the New York City stop on Kota the Friend’s Flight Night Festival approaches, it is essential to remember the true purpose of the tour, and of the fltbys brand. That mission is clearly restated in a fltbys Instagram Post:
“Ever since 2008 we’ve been giving people the opportunity to get on stage, when no one else was giving the opportunity,” said Kota. “Fltbys has always been a young company of people who just want to do something but have no platform.”
Embracing the concept of connecting up-and-coming talent to their community, we will showcase a stacked lineup of opening acts in NYC, before Kota takes the stage at Sony Hall on July 22nd and 23rd. Samuellimàta will be one of those performers, fresh off a feature on Kota’s latest album MEMO.
Raised in Queens, New York, and a current resident of the East Village, Samuellimàta marries multiple genres into a singular, cohesive sound. Limàta’s talents recently landed him on the title track of Kota the Friend’s highly anticipated third studio album MEMO. His delicate vocal editions throughout Kota’s verses, and layers on the hook provide serene texture to an exquisite piece of music. That said, Sam’s talents extend far beyond his collaboration with Kota.
Samuellimàta’s Sound
Samuellimàta pairs varied vocal styles to instrumentation that displays elements of jazz, indie, and soul. He moves effortlessly from singing to understated hip-hop delivery with ease. This vocal variation adds depth to each track, and showcases a wide range of musical abilities. There is a purity to Limàta’s vocals, that is sometimes shrouded with bittersweet tones, and his lyrics often echo this tone of this conflict. Life is chalk full-of highs and lows, and Samuellimàta is unafraid to approach both sides of the coin.
2020 single Sunrise, I Can Feel Your Eyes is a great place to dive into Limàta’s discography. Backed by crisp guitar riffs, and steady drums, this track is pure summer, easy-listening. Moving from a soulful hook, Limàta switches things up with a fire rapped verse. “Mindful of the times, vibes, highs, and the lows/just another roll that’s my summer time goal/you be lying to yourself like the summer times cold/and I’m lying to myself like I ain’t that sold (on you).”
Spelled Backwards is another must listen, with its steady, raw melodies, and Limàta’s stirring vocals (including a dope auto-tuned section). Again, this track showcases his talents as both a singer and rapper.
While Sam’s current discography has a lot to offer, fans should look out for his upcoming project.
“For the past two years I’ve been working on my Debut EP, ‘A Normal Way To Die’. Limàta shared. It’s set to release at the end of the summer and it truly represents me as an artist and the sound I’ve been honing in on. The music I currently have out is a little taste of what’s to come.”
If his current work is just a little taste, it’s likely that we’ll be getting a full banquet soon with the new drop coming soon.
Samuellimàta on Independence
As an independent artist, Limàta enjoys the creative freedom, and ability to write his own artistic destiny. But of course, that comes with challenges, most likely getting people to engage with his music.
“One of the main challenges I face as an independent artist is getting people to believe in the vision. Just because I don’t have backing, or big numbers, people tend to sleep on you and not offer you opportunities.. or even give you a chance. It’s that constant search for validation. But at the end of the day, it makes you stronger and more confident as an artist.. its like.. hey look at what the fuck ive been able to accompish dolo. Another thing.. money. I bust my ass to be able to afford studio time, mixing ect, but the hustle and hard work is rewarding knowing I did it on my own dime.”
The hard work, and dedication to his craft is surely beginning to pay off. And an appearance before thousands of fans at Flight Night will certainly not hurt.
Flight Night
With NYC Flight Night fast approaching, Samuellimàta is faced with an incredible opportunity to share his talents with a vast audience. Predictably, he is excited and appreciative for that chance.
“Performing at Flight Night is honestly a dream come true. Kota is one of my biggest inspirations and role models.. Someone whom I’ve looked up to for years and who has been nothing but supportive to me on my musical journey. I’m laying it all on the line for this show. My past shows have been at DIY venues and 100 cap rooms. This is a huge opportunity for me and I’ll be forever thankful to Kota. This is a chance for me to express myself with my band to our fullest potential and show the crowd I’m here to stay and that my shit is fire.”
With immense talent on his side, and an audience of fans who know and appreciate great music, Limàta is in a great situation to prosper. He’ll be performing both the 22nd and 23rd at Sony Hall, maximizing opportunities for exposure.
Stay tuned as we will be highlighting each local act on the roster for New York City Flight Night. Limited tickets are available for the second night of the festival (Saturday, July 23rd.)
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