15 Photos Of Obama Adorably Kicking It With Babies, Unlike That Twerp Trump

Unlike Cheeto Jesus, Barack Obama loves the kids. Yesterday, Donald Trump actually had a crying child removed from a rally because the wee human was interrupting his speech.

So it made us think, over his two terms┬áin office Obama has taken some pics with babies guaranteed to make you smile and melt your heart. Just another aspect of the POTUS’ personality that Trump just isn’t well prepared for considering he’s a peak curmudgeon.

So we assembled a gang of photos of Barack playfully kicking it with babies. They are the future, after all.

To be fair, some of these pics are with toddlers. But Trump would probably give them the boot from a rally, too.

Really? You thought bringing +5 to the Oval Office was all good?

I can mean mug, too, little man.

Son, you gotta chill.

Hey, over here buddy.

See, what you do is hold them here since their little necks aren’t strong enough…then act Presidential.

Chicken fingers on the White House menu? Done.

Got ’em!

2nd term, I could barely believe it myself.

Don’t where we’re going, but I’m happy to go.

Hear that? Told you I wasn’t a vampire.

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15 Photos Of Obama Adorably Kicking It With Babies, Unlike That Twerp Trump : Hip Hop Wired

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