Pat Rzl is a force to be reckoned with: with her hit track entitled “Melanin”, she is the new-school voice that all people of color need. She raps about struggles and getting over them, Black pride, and pushing through hard times no matter what.
Check out her mini interview below, and make sure you buy your tickets to Flight Night 2016 to see her perform live!
1) What are you looking forward to the most at Flight Night?
What I’m looking forward to the most for my Flight Night performance is the opportunity to enchant the crowd with my words of self love, self/ social awareness and just the idea of prosperity through these tough times. I’m also anticipating a good turnt up energy from the crowd as well as myself.
2) What do you think your fans will take away from your performance that night?
My hope is that the audience will walk away feeling like not only did they learn something, but they were able to rock along with me and enjoy themselves during the process.
Click here to purchase tickets online!
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